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The Millionaire's Marriage Revenge Page 14
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Page 14
He smiled lazily. ‘There are many things I may regret in my life, but having you make love to me isn’t one of them.’
Make love to me. The words echoed in her heart. She would be doing that in its truest sense. Giving physical expression to what she didn’t dare tell him. He didn’t believe she loved him, or ever had, and it was better for herself that he went on thinking that way.
So she began. Very gently, so that it was barely a touch at all, she started to smooth her hands over his chest, each caress imprinting a memory of him in her mind. Yet at the same time she remembered all the sensual tricks she had once used to arouse him, and began the task of undermining his control. The flick of her finger over one flat nipple caused a sharp intake of breath and when she used her teeth to gently bite him, then soothed the flesh with the brush of her tongue, she felt his whole body tense and he muttered something unintelligible under his breath.
Delighted with her success so far, Sofie expanded her area of exploration, delighting in the strength and breadth of his broad shoulders before seeking out his other nipple and treating it to the same delicate torture. She soon found that to use all her imagination to arouse him was in its turn arousing her. Tracing her way down his body—over his flat abdomen, then lower still—she used hands, lips and tongue in a journey of rediscovery. That her tantalising caresses were having the desired effect was visible enough when she finally reached the hardened length of his manhood.
Whilst Sofie found it highly erotic to know she could do this to him, she wanted more. She wanted him to lose control the way she had. It wouldn’t take much, as she could feel the tension in him as he waited, could feel the increased thud of his heart beating in time with her own. Which was why she didn’t immediately do what he expected, but straddled his legs and trailed her hands over his powerful thighs, teasing him by coming unbearably close and still avoiding that most desired contact.
Every time she came close, she could see the muscles in his stomach clenching, and she looked at him, her lips curved into a catlike smile that hid the fact that desire was once again a coiled spring inside her. Lucas had one arm over his eyes, but he raised it to look at her when she spoke.
‘How am I doing so far?’
‘You’re enjoying this, aren’t you, caro?’ he growled at her, and she laughed softly at his predicament.
‘I can stop if you like,’ she offered, and his eyes glinted with the promise of mayhem.
‘Do, and I won’t be responsible for what would happen next!’
Sofie was tempted to stop just to find out, but her own needs were almost as strong as his, so instead she shook her head until her hair swung loose about her and trailed the silky ends of it across his heated flesh. The effect was all she could have hoped for. Lucas’s hips jack-knifed off the bed and he swore violently in Italian as he drew in a hissing breath through his teeth and battled to retain control.
Not wanting that, Sofie moved until she was positioned over him and carefully lowered herself, taking him deep inside her with a soft moan of pleasure. Very slowly she began to move, wanting to drive him crazy, but discovered that her own body began to betray her. There was no way she could arouse him without arousing herself, and she bit her lip, striving to resist the demands of her own desire.
That was when Lucas took control once more. His hands rose to her breasts, moulding them, teasing her ultra-sensitive nipples, turning the embers of need into a raging furnace that refused to be denied. A whimper escaped her and her movements grew wilder until Lucas moved his hands to span her hips and hold her still.
‘Wait,’ he urged gutturally, his voice thick with passion, whilst his hands glided up her back, urging her down towards him. Sofie sank down until she lay against his chest. ‘Together this time,’ he breathed against her lips as he rolled them over until he was resting in the cradle of her thighs.
Sofie didn’t care to argue. All she knew was that they were driving each other crazy and the solution lay within their control. When Lucas began to move, thrusting into her with increasing tempo, she wrapped her legs around him and matched him thrust for thrust. In minutes they were beyond the point of no return and there was only one place to go.
Their climax was so powerful they both cried out together, holding on as the delicious waves of pleasure carried them upwards to dizzying heights, and then slowly brought them back down again. For long moments all was still, the only sounds they could hear were pounding hearts and laboured breathing. Yet eventually even that ceased and they lay in each other’s arms, replete at last.
More than half asleep himself, Lucas pulled the silk sheet back over them. ‘Sleep now, caro,’ he said gently, and closed his eyes as Sofie snuggled into the crook of his arm.
Sofie stirred for the second time some hours later. This time she knew where she was right away, and she wasn’t lying on Lucas’s chest. In fact, on opening her eyes to have a look, she discovered she was alone in the bed. Which was disappointing, but allowed her to lie back and run through all that had happened in her mind.
Their lovemaking had been unbelievable. Way beyond what she had expected. She felt like the cat who’d got the cream—full to the brim with satisfaction. It would only have been bettered if Lucas had still been here with her, but she knew better than to wish for everything. She was lucky to have what she had.
She was still thinking that when she became aware of Tom’s laughter from not far away. In fact, it was getting closer all the time. He was saying something and a deeper voice was answering. Realising she was about to be invaded, she just had time to make sure the sheet covered her properly when Tom burst into the room, closely followed by Lucas.
‘Mummy! Mummy!’ her son chanted as he dashed for the bed and, whilst she held one hand out towards him, her eyes flew to Lucas.
Acknowledgement of what had passed between them mere hours before was in his eyes, along with something else she couldn’t quite put a finger on. Then she forgot all about it when he smiled. It always had been a smile to take her breath away, but now it felt as if the wattage had increased and she basked in its warmth.
‘Where did you get to? I missed you,’ she told him huskily, clutching on to the sheet as Tom bounded on to the bed.
‘I went to see what Tom was doing, then got him washed and dressed,’ Lucas explained, sitting down on the end of the bed whilst Tom started bouncing up and down.
‘Daddy’s going to teach me to swim,’ he announced as he went up.
‘Wow! Aren’t you the lucky one? Daddy’s a good swimmer. In fact, Daddy’s good at a lot of things,’ Sofie added wryly, giving Lucas a look from beneath her lashes which made him grin.
Tom did another two bounces before expanding on his theme. ‘We’re going later, after my breakfast has gone down.’
Sofie kept a firm grip on the sheet, which was about to escape due to their son’s bouncing. ‘That’s good. You don’t want to get cramp,’ she told him seriously, then made a grab for his hand. ‘Hey, when are you going to give me a good morning kiss?’
‘Right now!’ he exclaimed, landing on his knees and pitching forward into her arms. Sofie collapsed with him on top of her and they exchanged several noisy kisses.
Eventually Lucas stood up again. ‘Come on, Tiger. Let’s get you something to eat or you’ll have to wait longer to get into the pool. We’ll leave Mummy to get dressed in peace.’
When they had gone, Sofie wiped away a single tear that escaped down her cheek. This was how her life should have been—could have been even now if she thought Lucas loved her, and had the courage to try trusting him again. The sad part was, her own action in leaving him had destroyed whatever he had felt for her, so now all that was left was the wanting. Yet she couldn’t have stayed, so there was no way out of the vicious circle. All she could do was make the best of what she had. Now wasn’t the time to look the gift horse in the mouth.
The thought made it possible for her to get up and shower, dress herself in shorts and a strappy top, sli
p her feet into sandals and go in search of the others with a calm expression on her face. She found them on the terrace, seated at the table, the remains of a substantial breakfast littering the surface.
Sofie stopped in the doorway to take in the scene. Two dark heads were tipped close to each other as Lucas listened to something Tom was whispering to him. They were so alike, her heart swelled with so much pleasure that her chin wobbled and she had to raise a hand and press it to her lips. If anything happened to either of them, she would fall apart.
Fearing that if she stayed there too long she would be discovered, Sofie took a deep steadying breath, steeled herself for the fray and stepped outside.
‘Good morning. It’s a lovely day,’ she greeted to the table at large and three heads turned in her direction. It was Eleanor who held out a hand to her and Sofie took it, bending to kiss the older woman’s cheek and receiving a similar salute in return.
‘Good morning, Sofie. Did you sleep well?’ Eleanor asked as her granddaughter-in-law straightened up.
‘Very well, thank you,’ Sofie responded, darting a glance at Lucas, who was watching her intently.
‘Do I get one of those?’ he asked.
‘Of course,’ Sofie replied, bending to kiss his cheek, but he moved his head quickly so her lips landed on his.
‘I slept well, too,’ he told her in a whisper as she drew back, bringing a wash of soft pink to her cheeks.
‘So,’ Eleanor said, once Sofie had taken a seat and the housekeeper had been asked to bring fresh warm croissants and coffee. ‘Are you going to swim, too?’
Sofie shook her head. ‘I think I’m going to be lazy today. But I shall go and watch.’ There was no way she could let Tom take his first swimming lesson and not be there to make sure all was well. Lucas was a good swimmer but, as a mother, she had to be on hand, just in case. And cheer Tom on, of course.
The housekeeper arrived with a tray and a message for Lucas that he was wanted on the telephone. He disappeared inside the villa and didn’t return until Sofie had almost finished her second cup of coffee. Eleanor had taken Tom indoors to get him into his swimming trunks and find the armbands she had bought him, leaving Sofie alone to enjoy the peace and quiet.
‘Trouble?’ she asked Lucas as he sat down opposite her.
‘Not at all. It’s an old problem that is now, thankfully, pretty much solved. You know how it is—doing the obvious thing is often the last thing you think of,’ he explained. Resting his elbow on the table and his chin on his hand, he watched her with a brooding look in his eyes.
‘That’s good,’ she replied, frowning at him as his fixed stare made her want to squirm. ‘Do I have jam on my nose or something?’ she asked.
‘No, I’m just enjoying the view,’ he returned gallantly.
‘So was I until you sat in front of it,’ she riposted teasingly, bringing a glint to his endlessly fascinating blue eyes.
‘Not nice, caro. That requires some sort of payment.’
She smiled broadly. ‘Uh-uh. I don’t think so,’ she denied, draining her cup and setting it aside. ‘I think I’ll see how Tom’s getting on,’ she added, pushing herself to her feet, but, before she could take a step further, Lucas caught her by the arm and started to pull her round the table towards him.
‘Oh, no, caro, you don’t get away that easily!’ he threatened as she did her best to resist him and tug her arm free.
‘Brute! Philistine!’ she lambasted him, laughing all the while.
Of course, there was no doubting how the tussle would end. Lucas was far stronger than her and, though his grip was gentle, there was no breaking it. He gave one final tug and she landed on his knees, his arms going round her to hold her captive.
‘Apologise,’ he commanded, his fingers seeking out the ticklish places at her waist.
‘Never!’ Sofie vowed, squirming as he unerringly found the most sensitive spot, making her dissolve into a fit of giggles. Twisting and turning like fury, she struggled to free herself whilst Lucas continued to tickle her mercilessly. Then, completely unintentionally, their combined movements brought his hand in contact with her breast, and they both went still.
‘Well, now, isn’t this cosy?’ Lucas declared huskily, his eyes gleaming wickedly.
‘You realise Tom and your grandmother could come back at any moment,’ Sofie reminded him, trying to ignore the pleasure she was getting from the warmth of his touch.
‘Then you’d better apologise quickly, hadn’t you?’ He grinned.
She immediately shook her head. ‘Not if my life depended on it!’ She refused point-blank to give in and was never more relieved to hear their son’s childish treble piping up not far away.
Hearing it, too, Lucas smiled ruefully. ‘Saved in the nick of time,’ he said, releasing her and helping her to her feet, where she just had time to smooth her clothes and hair back into place before Eleanor and Tom emerged from the villa.
Sofie had to smile when she saw her son, for not only was he wearing a dashing pair of electric-blue trunks, but inflated armbands, too.
‘Can we go yet?’ he asked his father eagerly.
Nodding, Lucas rose to his feet and took Tom by the hand. ‘Coming, Mummy?’ he asked Sofie.
Try and stop me, she thought, taking Tom’s other hand. ‘Of course,’ she confirmed, then glanced at Eleanor. ‘Will you join us?’
‘You three go ahead,’ she refused with a smile. ‘I have a few things to do, but I’ll pop down later. Have fun!’
Fun was the operative word when they reached the pool. Tom wasn’t the least bit afraid of water and would probably have jumped in at the deep end if Lucas hadn’t cautioned him. Sofie’s heart was beating just a little faster with natural anxiety, but that soon passed when she saw how good Lucas was with their son. He was an excellent teacher, and had the patience of a saint. It wasn’t long before Tom, with the aid of his armbands, was able to do a creditable doggy-paddle from one side of the pool to the other. Of course, he made a lot of splashing along the way, almost drowning his father once with a surging bow wave.
When Lucas emerged, coughing and spluttering, Sofie burst out laughing, which drew a threatening look from her husband.
‘Think that’s funny, do you?’ he growled and, sweeping Tom out of the water, carried him to the side and sat him down. ‘Stay there,’ he ordered in a voice that promised he’d be sorry if he didn’t, and waded out of the pool.
Sofie watched wide-eyed as Lucas prowled towards her. He looked magnificent, with his long-legged powerful body clad in a minuscule pair of black Speedos. Her heart turned over for quite a different reason, and began racing with an emotion as far removed from anxiety as it was possible to get.
As he got closer she held up her hands to fend him off, expecting to get showered with water, but Lucas had other plans. Instead of shaking his head over her, he bent and swept her up off the sun-lounger and turned back to the pool.
Sofie gasped, realising his intent. ‘Don’t you dare!’ she squealed, and he grinned at her.
‘Bet you wish you’d apologised earlier, now,’ he taunted, stopping at the edge.
She took a look at the sparkling blue water below her and clamped her arms around his neck. ‘I’m sorry. I apologise,’ she declared hastily, only to see his grin broaden.
‘Too late, caro,’ he said, and jumped out into the deep water.
Sofie screamed, but the water closing over her head cut it off. Lucas had let go of her as they entered the water, so when her feet touched the bottom she pushed hard and kicked her way to the surface. Soaked to the skin, she looked around for Lucas, but only saw Tom, sitting on the pool-side, laughing uproariously. She just had time to wave to him, when her ankle was caught and she was pulled down again.
Lucas swam in front of her. Grinning from ear to ear, he captured her head between his hands, pulled her forward and kissed her. It was a deeply sensual kiss, seeking a response from her which she was unable to deny him. Her arms went around him and thei
r legs entangled, keeping them together. Highly erotic, it couldn’t last long as the need for air forced them apart and they shot to the surface in a surge of splash and spray.
‘Just you wait, Lucas Antonetti,’ Sofie threatened, though she was laughing as she kicked away from him and swam down to where Tom, no longer laughing, waited. Finding her feet, she smiled at him reassuringly. ‘OK, darling?’
‘I don’t like it when you go under the water,’ he said heavily.
She gave him a quick hug. ‘I know. Daddy was just mucking about. He only did it because he knows I can swim. He won’t do it to you. Are you coming in again?’ she asked, holding out her arms to help him down.
Tom brightened instantly and jumped down. ‘Aren’t you going to put a swimming costume on?’ he wanted to know, and Sofie pulled a wry face.
‘I don’t think I’ll bother now. Can’t get any wetter, can I?’
Tom giggled and began splashing around, happy as Larry. Lucas emerged a few feet away, sweeping his hair back from his eyes, looking pleased with himself.
‘You’re a little overdressed, caro.’
Sofie gave him a narrow-eyed look. ‘I’ll tell you what you are, later.’
He grinned that wolfish grin that set her nerves tingling. ‘I’ll look forward to it,’ he responded huskily, and swam over to where Tom was heading too far out of his depth.
Sighing, Sofie watched the two of them and it occurred to her that, for the first time in for ever, she was truly happy. It didn’t matter that it might not last. For this one moment in time at least, everything she wanted was right here by her side where it was meant to be.
THE next few days were, for Sofie, like having all her Christmases come at once. They were magical, and every moment was a joy to be locked away in her heart and treasured. Lucas was once again the man she remembered, giving no sign of the anger he had felt at his discovery that he had a son. She wasn’t foolish enough to think he had forgotten, but she hoped that he was on the way to forgiving as she was starting to forgive him for his betrayal.