The Millionaire's Marriage Revenge Read online

Page 16

  When Sofie smiled, he slipped his arm around her waist. ‘Come on. Let’s go see this amazing track Tom’s talking about,’ he suggested and, for once in complete accord, they walked inside together.


  THAT night they made love with a new depth of intensity. Sofie couldn’t explain why, but it seemed as if both of them needed the other’s passion, not their gentleness. If either was startled by the tempestuousness of the other’s response, that was soon forgotten. Their bed became a battlefield where first one, then the other attempted to inflict the most pleasure. It was wild and hot, and their slick bodies writhed together over the silken sheets. Every sense was heightened by raw sensuality. Each kiss and caress drew forth a gasp, moan or sigh of rapture.

  Passion burnt too hot and too fast to last long, and yet by sheer strength of will they managed to draw the moment out until, eventually, need overcame them. Consumed by desire, they came together in a soul-shattering moment of the purest pleasure either had ever known. It left them drained yet most beautifully replete, and they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  Hours later, Sofie stirred. It was early, judging by the amount of light coming in through the window. Turning her head, she could see Lucas lying beside her, face down, arms and legs spread-eagled. There was the blue-black shadow of beard on his chin, and one curl of hair had dropped over his forehead, but he was still the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Despite everything that had happened between them, she could never regret knowing him, and would love him until the end of time.

  Not wanting to wake him, she gently rolled off the bed and reached for her robe. Padding into the bathroom, she showered and washed her hair, towelling it dry before slipping on her robe again and returning to the bedroom. Lucas was still asleep, so she curled up in a chair by the window and watched the sunrise.

  When it came, it was as beautiful as their lovemaking, filling her heart with longing for things to stay just the way they were. She wanted them to be a family. A happy, loving family, and nothing bad could ever touch them. Of course, that wasn’t always possible when you lived in the real world, but it would be wonderful.

  It was a nice dream, Sofie thought, and sighed wistfully.

  ‘Why so pensive, caro?’ Lucas’s question drew her gaze back to the bed, where he was now on his side, head resting on his hand as he watched her.

  ‘I was just daydreaming,’ she responded, smiling, her eyes running over him, enjoying the rugged figure he portrayed.

  ‘What about?’ he challenged, one eyebrow raised. ‘You’re not thinking of leaving me again, are you?’

  The softly voiced remark tore through her system with all the savagery of a tornado. The vehemence of her response told her, as nothing else could, that she would never leave Lucas again of her own free will. If he told her to go, that would be different, but her heart knew she was where she was supposed to be—for good or ill. ‘No! How could you even think that?’ she asked, unable to keep a tremor from her voice, for he had shaken her badly.

  Lucas looked amazingly calm. ‘Because last night we made love the same way we did before you left me.’

  Sofie sat up, her mouth forming a perfect circle of surprise. ‘That was the night before you went away on business. I knew I wasn’t going to see you for days!’

  Sitting up, Lucas swung his legs to the floor, bringing him that much closer to where she sat in the chair. ‘That’s right, and those days turned into weeks, then months, then years. It’s not something I’m likely to forget.’

  She shook her head in swift denial. ‘That was then. I have no intention of leaving you now. The situation isn’t the same. You’re imagining things.’

  He looked at her steadily, then shrugged. ‘I hope so,’ he said dryly, standing and stretching before walking over to the bathroom door. There he paused and glanced back over his shoulder. ‘Because it’s hard to love someone who keeps disappearing,’ he added with a smile, and disappeared into the bathroom.

  Sofie stared after him, stunned, but, as it wore off, she was galvanised into action. Jumping from the chair, she hurried after him. In the bathroom, Lucas was just stepping into the shower, but for once she wasn’t sidetracked by the beautiful male body.

  ‘What do you mean?’ she charged him. ‘You don’t love me!’

  One eyebrow lifted. ‘I don’t? It feels like I do,’ he argued as he slid the shower door shut.

  Sofie was momentarily rooted to the spot. Was she dreaming? Surely he couldn’t really be saying…Needing confirmation, she crossed the room and opened the shower door. Steam billowed out and she waved it away with her hand.

  ‘If this is supposed to be some kind of joke, I’m not laughing! You told me you stopped loving me years ago.’

  Lucas was busily soaping himself, but he paused to look at her. ‘I should have done, but I didn’t. The truth is, I love you, caro. I always have and always will. Now, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like a bit of privacy.’ With that, he reached out, pulled the door from her hand and shut it again.

  Sofie was left to pace the room like a caged tiger. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to hear him say he loved her, but she simply didn’t know if she could believe it. Trusting him came so hard after his affair. How could she believe him?

  The water was turned off and the door opened. ‘Still here?’ Lucas queried ironically, taking a towel and drying himself off, finally draping it around his hips. ‘What’s bothering you, caro? Why can’t I love you? It’s hardly a crime.’

  Realising her hands were shaking, she shoved them in the pockets of her robe. ‘Because I ran away from you. Because I didn’t tell you about Tom. Because you can’t just throw it into the conversation like that. I only know you can’t mean it, so take it back.’

  Lucas shook his head, eyes gleaming. ‘Can’t. Won’t,’ he refused. Coming to stand in front of her, he put his hands on his hips. ‘Now, what are you going to do?’

  She stared at him helplessly, caught between wanting to believe him and not daring to. She didn’t want to get hurt again. Dragging in a shaky breath, she glared at him. ‘This isn’t funny!’

  He spread his hands. ‘Am I laughing?’

  Sofie pressed her lips together as they threatened to tremble. ‘I don’t need this!’

  ‘OK, tell me what you do need,’ he invited, and waited.

  She stared back, unable to make her mouth form the words: I need you. Fear rose in her throat. Last time she had told him she loved him, he had betrayed her. What if he did it again? She was too afraid to take the risk. After a tense moment or two, she abruptly turned on her heel and went back into the bedroom. ‘I need to get dressed,’ she muttered to herself.

  Lucas had followed her out and was leaning against the doorjamb watching her. ‘Don’t you want to know what I would like you to do?’

  ‘No,’ she declared baldly, not sparing him a glance.

  ‘I would like you to reciprocate,’ he informed her, ignoring her response.

  Sofie had to stop and look at him then. ‘Reciprocate?’

  Lucas nodded. ‘Yes. You know. As in telling me you love me, too.’

  Her heart jolted wildly and she could feel herself pale. ‘I can’t,’ she retorted gruffly, looking back at the drawer she was searching, without any idea what she was looking for.

  ‘Can’t, caro? That’s an interesting way of putting it,’ he cajoled her, stepping closer. ‘I already know you kept the ring I gave you. Tom tells me you keep a photo of us in your purse. You named our son after me. Would you do that if you felt nothing? Tell the truth and shame the devil, Sofie. Tell me you love me.’

  An anger built of hurt and fear swelled inside her and she threw the clothes she was holding back in the drawer. ‘Shut up!’ she commanded, balling her hands into fists. ‘I can’t do it! Don’t you understand that? I just can’t.’

  Lucas came to her then and caught her by the shoulders. ‘Why not? Tell me, Sofie. Tell me why you can’t.’

  Tears glitte
red in her eyes like diamonds as she looked up at him. ‘Because I’m afraid,’ she admitted in a broken whisper, and saw him frown.

  ‘Afraid? Afraid of what?’

  Sofie shook her head, stepping back from the brink. ‘Nothing. Nothing at all. Please, forget it.’

  Lucas drew in an exasperated breath. ‘My God, but you’re stubborn! OK, have it your own way—for now,’ he conceded, and stepped back, letting her go.

  Sofie watched him sort out some clothes and start dressing. She felt so helpless because she ought to feel happy that he loved her, but her doubts wouldn’t let her. ‘I’m sorry,’ she apologised softly and he gave her a quick glance.

  ‘Don’t be. You win some, you lose some. I’ll go and look in on Tom whilst you get dressed. We’ll meet you downstairs for breakfast,’ he said with an offhand shrug. He paused on the way to the door to drop a kiss on her startled lips, then was gone.

  Of course, the moment he left the strength went out of her legs and she had to sit on the bed to recover. Why did he have to tell her he loved her? It had been so much easier when she’d believed he didn’t. Then she hadn’t had to worry about him betraying her again. She had been able to push her fears into the background. His admission had brought everything back with a vengeance, and to give him the answer he wanted had been beyond her courage.

  ‘Damn, damn, damn!’ she muttered to herself as she finally got dressed. She didn’t need things made any harder. Why couldn’t he have left everything as it was?

  Yet when, some fifteen minutes later, she went down to breakfast, dressed in shorts and a strappy top, she knew she looked cool and calm. Her insides might be churning, but at least it didn’t show.

  Lucas said he had some work to do after breakfast, so Sofie took Tom down to the pool by herself. They spent a couple of happy hours together, with Tom practising his doggy-paddle whilst she sat on the side. He splashed about, laughing, and chattering away nineteen to the dozen. Finally Sofie declared he had been in there long enough, so he climbed out and they played ball, until he got bored. Eventually he started to get hungry and he was happy to fall in with her suggestion that they should go back up to the house for lunch.

  Eleanor was just coming out of the house as they reached it and, much to Sofie’s surprise, she was looking a little concerned.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Sofie asked and the older woman wrung her hands anxiously.

  ‘Nothing really. I’m sure everything’s OK, it’s only been fifteen minutes, but those cliffs are so dangerous,’ she responded, not too clearly.

  Sofie was lost. ‘Why don’t we sit down whilst you explain?’ she suggested, and they all sat at the table. ‘Now, tell me what happened.’

  ‘Well,’ Eleanor complied, clearly relieved to share her worries. ‘It all started when a man came knocking at the door. He was quite distressed. Apparently his dog had fallen over the edge of the cliff and he had nothing to rescue it with. Naturally, I got Lucas, and he gathered up some rope and other things and went off with the man.’

  Sofie suddenly had a sinking feeling in her stomach, though she couldn’t have said why. ‘Was it a local man?’

  ‘No, he was English, and said he was a tourist. To be honest, he had a look about him that made me uneasy. Something about his eyes.’

  Now Sofie understood her own reaction and her heart started to race. ‘Tell me, was he about my height? Short brown hair and grey eyes?’

  Eleanor’s eyes opened wide. ‘Why, yes. Do you know him?’

  Did she know him? It had to be Gary Benson. She had no idea what he was doing, spinning a tale about a dog to Lucas, but she had a bad feeling about it. Her instinct told her she had to go after them, now.

  ‘Yes, I believe I do. Eleanor, you have to look after Tom for me. I’m going to go and find Lucas. Do you know where he keeps the keys to his car?’ Sofie asked, thinking quickly and at the same time trying not to worry Eleanor or Tom.

  Eleanor’s expression said she sensed something, but didn’t waste time asking. ‘On him, probably. Take my car. The keys are on the tray by the door.’

  Sofie got up hurriedly. ‘Tom, be a good boy and stay with Nell.’

  ‘OK, Mummy,’ he replied, and his eyes were as big as saucers.

  Sensing his worry, she gave him a smile. ‘Don’t worry. I won’t be long. I’m only going to find Daddy and bring him home.’

  There wasn’t time for more, so she hurried through the house, finding the car keys with no trouble. At least Eleanor’s car was small, as this would be the first time Sofie had driven on the other side of the road. Steering the vehicle on to the tarmac, she headed out along the way Eleanor had pointed.

  ‘What are you up to, Gary?’ she kept asking herself, unable to go as fast as she would have liked because of the strange car.

  Mile after mile went by, and her tension was growing with every inch. Finally she rounded a bend and saw a car parked in a pull-off by the cliff-edge, with two men standing a little way along from it. She recognised them both, and her nerves leapt because they were standing far too close to the edge for her liking. Lucas was preparing a rope, whilst Gary was gesticulating over the side. Sofie gasped. Surely Lucas wasn’t thinking of going over?

  Pulling off the road, she jumped out of the car and hurried towards the two men. ‘Lucas, please come away from the edge,’ she urged him as she drew close. Just seeing him there made her distinctly nervous. She spared Gary a glance, and his face was consumed with annoyance.

  ‘I’m fine, amore. Don’t worry. I’ve done this before. This man’s dog went over the edge. There’s a ledge a short way down. It’s probably on that. It won’t take me a minute,’ he responded, sending her a reassuring smile.

  ‘I’m sure it won’t, but there’s one thing you should know. Gary doesn’t have a dog, do you, Gary?’ She shot the challenge at him, and he started as if he had been hit.

  Lucas’s head came up and round. ‘Who? What?’ he asked, looking first at Sofie, then at the other man. Something he saw there made him drop the rope. ‘What’s going on? Who is this man?’

  ‘His name is Gary Benson,’ Sofie explained, walking a little closer to him. ‘He’s been stalking me for years. Whenever I think he’s gone, he turns up again, turning my life into a nightmare.’

  Lucas’s brows rose as he instantly made the connection. ‘He was the man in the market yesterday?’

  Before Sofie could do more than nod, Gary Benson closed the gap between them. He was almost beside himself with rage. ‘Damn you, Sofie! How could you do this? I loved you! I sent you the photographs so you would dump him! You can’t love him!’

  Shock tore through her at what she heard and she turned to him. ‘You sent me the pictures? Oh, my God! I never even suspected!’

  Lucas stepped forward. ‘Hold on a minute. What photographs?’

  Gary laughed, and there was an edge of madness in it. ‘Photos of you with another woman! They were supposed to make her stop loving you! I thought she had when she left you, but she just goes back to you every time! Can’t she see you’re not worth it? Can’t she see I love her more than you do?’

  Sofie shook her head, feeling sick. ‘He is worth it. He does love me. And, what’s more, I love him!’ she declared, looking at Gary Benson with utter distaste. ‘You’re despicable. What were you trying to do, bringing Lucas out here?’

  Lucas smiled grimly. ‘If I’m not mistaken, amore, I think he intended to shove me over this cliff.’

  Gary Benson didn’t even pretend to lie. ‘Yes, and I would have done it if she hadn’t come along and interfered.’

  Lucas held out his hand towards Sofie. ‘I think it’s time we left, caro,’ he said firmly.

  Only too happy to agree, Sofie began to turn towards Lucas, and it was as she did so that all hell broke loose. She heard the sound of rushing feet behind her and saw the look of alarm on her husband’s face, then an arm caught her around the waist, knocking the air out of her.

  From a distance she could hear Gary
Benson’s voice crying out, ‘No! If I can’t have her, neither can you!’

  Seconds later she could feel herself heading towards the edge of the cliff. She fell, hitting the ground and rolling, Gary’s arm still around her. Then there was a strangled cry of fear and she felt the lower half of her body swing out into space before bending down under the pull of Gary’s weight.

  She never knew if she said Lucas’s name, or just thought she did, but in that same instant two strong hands grasped her by the wrists and held on tightly. She looked up, and there was Lucas, lying stretched out on the ground, using all his strength to stop her sliding over the cliff after Gary. Then Gary must have lost his grip as she felt him frantically searching for something to hold, but it was too late. His weight disappeared from her legs and, as Lucas quickly pulled her away from danger, they could hear Gary’s scream as he fell, followed, moments later, by deathly silence.

  Sofie scrambled over to Lucas, flinging her arms around his neck and holding on tight as she began to shake with reaction. His arms fastened around her like a vice, as if he would never let her go.

  ‘Don’t you know you should never go anywhere with strange men?’ she cried into his shoulder, and felt Lucas shudder.

  ‘The man was mad,’ he declared thickly. ‘He would have killed us all, but instead he only killed himself.’

  She went still. ‘Then, he’s dead?’ she asked, easing back so that she could see Lucas’s face.

  ‘Nothing could survive that drop,’ he confirmed solemnly, then closed his eyes for a moment. ‘For one awful moment, I thought you were going over too,’ he said in a choked voice, and she could see the faintest gleam of moisture under his closed lashes.

  Instantly she pressed a kiss to each eye. ‘But you saved me. I’m still here,’ she whispered, and Lucas opened his eyes, smiling at her.

  ‘Yes, you’re still here,’ he agreed, framing her head with his hands and looking deeply into her eyes. ‘If you had gone over, I would have died, too. You are my life, amore.’